EnableU Newcastle is a registered and approved provider in the hunter region, dedicated to NDIS, Disability support, Home Care, and Allied Health services. We deliver reliable services including in-home support, community assistance, nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy for NDIS participants, elderly individuals receiving aged care services, and those with home care packages. Our team travels directly to clients in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie City area of the Hunter region, ensuring ease of access without the need to visit us. All of our team members are multilingual, professionally qualified, and have undergone police checks and vetting from our compliance teams. Our promise is safe, reliable and consistent services.
Keywords: Disability Support NDIS, High Intensity & Complex Care, 24 Hour Care, Home Care Support, Alzheimer's & Dementia Care, Parkinson’s Care, Assistance with Daily Living, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing
Starting year of the business: 2022
Number of Employees: 50-99
Payment: Fees Apply (We do not do bulk billing/medicare)